Thursday 6 November 2014

Vampire Lord on Nightmare

The Vampires of the Old World claim dominion over the mortal remains off all earthly creatures. To die is to surrender oneself to their power.
The generals of the Empire claims that the night is always darkest before the down; the warrior Priests of Sigmar preach that is hope yet.
But they know little of the games immortals play.
 Patient cunning, devious, the Vampires work to conquer the lands of the living with ancient and corrupted sorcery.
Should they succeed in their dread goals, the rays of the sun shall be forever suffocated by the night, and the age of men will be replaced by an age of the dead.
The world will be transformed into a ghostly necropolis of mindless and unliving slaves, ruled over by the iron will of the Vampire Counts.

Here we present:

Vampire Lord on Nightmare!

Remember your comments give us wings!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing vampire lord ! Very good job with red color !
